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The Literate Learner Featured Article of the Week

New Book -- Adventure Relativity: When Intense Experiences Shift Time

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by Steve Gardiner
April 17, 2020

Over a period of several years, I worked on essays about events that seemed intense. There were accounts of mountain climbing in Peru and Argentina, spelunking in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and running in the Boston Marathon.

But there were also moments that were different sorts of adventures such as performing CPR on a teaching colleague, watching my daughter taken into surgery in a hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, crashing a bicycle in Montana, and watching the spectacular beauty of the Fata Morgana optical illusion over the frozen surface of the Arctic Ocean.


Some of these essays had been in my mind or on paper for years when I realized that what they had in common was an intensity that changed my perception of time during and sometimes even after the event. I chose twelve of those essays and wove them together into the book Adventure Relativity: When Intense Experience Shifts Time.


I discovered that some of these experiences, like the surgery in Kenya, make time agonizingly slow. Other experiences, such as a serious wreck on my bicycle, make time race by. During events like playing a childhood game or gazing at the beauty of the Andes Mountains, time ceases to exist. The perceptions of time related to these events gave me a new way of looking at not only the events themselves, but my experience and understanding of them.


Adventure Relativity contains the twelve nonfiction essays along with sixteen photos in 233 pages. It is available now at Amazon.

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